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2024 Thursday League

Thursday Eve League Information / Rules

  • Begins May 9th; ALL matchups start at 5:15 P.M. in shotgun style at designated holes.
  • The scoring format is the same as in years past – 40 points total.
    • If the opposing team does not show up, you will face off against a randomly pulled scorecard.
  • Handicap Format has changed – instead of using a six-week running score, your handicap will be an average of the
    lowest four scores you have turned-in.
  • This year's league will run in three cycles consisting of five weeks each.
  • The cost is $12.00 per night per member; $15.00 for non-members. Cycle dues are $30.00 per person.
    (Dues go towards cycle prizes and end-of-the-year prizes.)

C2W5 Matchups     C2W5 Handicaps     C2W5 Standings
